STS-122 Launch Window

Here is some information on the Atlantis’ STS-122 launch window:

The target launch date is December, 6th. The launch Window extends just one week, so everything must go smooth in order to have a launch. The launch time for December 6th is 4:31PM EST. On successive launch attempts, the launch will be roughly 20 minutes earlier (each time).

The daily launch window extends, as usual for international space station missions, for 10 minutes. Typically, the launch is scheduled for the middle of the launch window. A 10 minute window means little contingency for bad weather, so you should expect a launch slip by a day or two in most cases. If possible, plan to have some spare days left.


Next Delta IV launch at KSC

In case you are around, you may want to view the upcoming Delta IV Heavy launch at Kennedy Space Center. It is especially well visible from along Cape Canaveral beaches. The Delta IV is the most capable expendable launcher and for sure a great view (unfortunately I never witnessed a launch myself). Originally scheduled for last Friday, it is now set for launch on November, 10th, after 8pm ET. It carries a military payload, so there is view information about it available. When I last checked, it was not even in Kennedy Space Centers’ web launch calendar. Call them for updates — the date was announced in the center and I am sure they will tell you on phone.

If you go visit this launch, I would also very much appreciate if you could drop me a few lines with your experience.