This time, I raise a question in my blog. Suggestions, tips and full answers are very welcome.
In rsyslog, there are various situations where I only need low resolution timestamps. With low resolution, I precise within a second. Of course, this thing is provided by the time() API. However, time() is very slow – far too slow for many things I do in rsyslog. So far, I have been able to work around this problem by doing a time() call only every n-th time where I run in tight loops and know that this will not bring me outside of me 1-second window (well, to be precise, this is at least very unlikely and thus acceptable).
However, this approach does not work for all work that I am doing. Now I am facing the challenge once gain, but this time in an area where the “query only n-th time” approach does not work. I need the time in order to schedule asynchronous activities (like writing so far unwritten buffers to disk). With them, there is no tight loop that provides me with some sense of timing, and so I simply do not know if half a second or half an hour has elapsed between calls – except when I do one of these costly time() calls.
A good work-around would be to define my own interval timer, awaking me e.g. every seconds. So I would not need absolute time but could do things based on these timer ticks. However, there is lot of evil in this approach, too: most importantly: this means rsyslogd will be active whenever the system is up, and running on a tick will prevent the operating system from switching the CPU to power saving modes. So this option looks very dirty, too.
So what to do now? Is there any (decently portable) way to get a second-resolution current timestamp (or a tick counter) without actually running on a tick?
If I don’t find a better solution, I’ll probably be forced to run rsyslogd on a tick, which would not be a good thing from a power consumption point of view.
As I already said, feedback is greatly appreciated…
Edit: in case my description was a bit unclear: it is not so important that the timestamp is of low resolution. Of course, I prefer higher resolution, but I would be OK with lower resolution if that is faster.
The problem with time() and gettimeofday() is that they are quite slow. As an example, I can only do around 250,000 time()/gettimteofday() calls per second on my current development system. So each API call takes around 4ms on that system. While this sounds much, it adds considerable runtime to each messages being processed – especially if multiple calls are required thanks to modular structure.
I have also thought about a single “lowres system time getter” inside rsyslog. However, that brings up problems with multi-threading. If one would like to be on the safe side, its entry points need to be guarded by mutexes, another inherently slow operation (depending on circumstances, overhead can be even worse then time()). With atomic operations, things may improve. But even then, we run into the issue that we do not know if the last call was half a second or half an hour ago…
Another edit:
This is a recording from a basic test I did on one lab system:
[rgerhards@rf10up tests]# cat timecaller.c
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
time_t tt;
struct timeval tp;
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < atoi(argv[1]) ; ++i) {
// time(&tt);
gettimeofday(&tp, NULL);
[rgerhards@rf10up tests]# cc timecaller.c
[rgerthards@rf10up tests]# time ./a.out 100000
real 0m0.309s
user 0m0.004s
sys 0m0.294s
The runtime for the time() call is roughly equivalent (especially giving the limited precision of the instrumentation). Please also note that we identified the slowness of the time() calls in autumn 2008, when doing performance optimization with the help of David Lang. David was the first to point to the time-consuming time() calls in strace. Reducing them made quite a difference.
Since them, I try to avoid time() calls at all costs.