CEE library will be named libee

After some discussions, we have finally decided to name the CEE part of the original liblognorm project “libee“. Note the missing “c” ;) We originally thought that libcee would be a smart name for a library implementing an API on top of the upcoming CEE standard. However, there were some complexities associated with that because “libcee” sounds much like *the* official library. While I hope I can finish a decent implementation of the full CEE standard, I think it is a bit bold to try to write the standard lib when the standard is not even finished.

So the compromise is to drop the “c”. The “ee” in libee means “Event Expression”, much as CEE means “Common Event Expression”. If CEE evolves as we all hope and if I manage to actually create a decent implementation of it, we may reconsider calling the library libcee. But that’s not important now and definitely something that will involve a lot of people.

In the mean time, I wanted to make sure you all understand what I mean when I talk about “libee”. I hope to populate its public git with at least a skeleton soon (liblognorm reaches a point where I need some CEE definitions, so this becomes more important).