new rsyslog 7.4 stable branch released

We just released rsyslog 7.4.0, a new stable release which replaces the 7.2 branch. After nine month of hard work, there are many exciting enhancements compared to 7.2, and I thought I give you a quick rundown of the more important new features. Note that while I list some “minor features” at the end of this posting, the list is not complete. I left out those things that are primarily of interest for smaller groups of users. So if you look for a specific feature not mentioned here, it may pay to look at the ChangeLog or post a question to the rsyslog mailing list.

With this release, the rsyslog project officially supports version 7.4. Support for 7.2 will gradually be phased out. If support for older versions is required, utilizing Adiscon’s professional services for rsyslog is recommended.

Note that I only list main headlines for each of the features. Follow links (where provided) to gain more in-depth information.

Security Package


Improved Rate-Limiters

  • introduction of Linux-like rate-limiting for all inputs
  • “Last message repeated n times” now done on a per-input basis; makes it much more useful AND increases processing speed.

Systemd Journal support

  • omjournal writes messages to the journal
  • imjournal obtains messages including journal-specific meta data items from the journal

Performance Improvements

  • Disk Queue Performance greatly improved
  • DNS cache greatly improved and optimized
  • output file writer (omfile) now fully supports background writing
  • script optimizer now changes frequently-used long-running filters into equivalent quick ones when possible (this even affects some distros default configs and is a great performance saver)

Minor Features

  • various plugins now support the new RainerScript based config language
  • omlibdbi improvements, among them support for transactions
  • ommysql now supports transactions
  • improved omfile zip writing speed
  • performance optimizations
  • omelasticsearch improvements (bulk processing mode, local error file)
  • omudpspoof now supports packets larger than 1472 by using fragmentation
  • omrelp now supports session timeout
  • contributed module (not project-supported) omrabbitmq was added

rsyslog journal support

We expect that rsyslog and the systemd journal will be found together in quite some szenarios (if you are curios on what exactly we mean, check the “rsyslog vs. journal?” posting).

As such, it makes a lot of sense to think about providing integration facilities. Thanks to rsyslog’s modular architecture, it wasn’t very hard to provide the necessary building blocks. In the 7.3 experimental branch, two new modules (omjournal and imjournal) have been developed. They provide the capability to write to the journal as well as pull data out of it. Usually, the latter is not really necessary, as journald still provides log messages to the system log socket. But unfortunately, journal developers have decided only to pass on a subset of the logging information. They exclude the structured data content. However, such data is only available if their own logging API is being used by applications, and this is currently not really the case. So right now using just the regular system log socket input should be sufficient in almost all cases. Howerver, should structured data become more prominent in the journal, using imjournal gains rsyslog access to it.

For some more background information on the integration, you can also watch a quick presentation that I recorded:

rsyslog logfile encryption

Starting with version 7.3.11, rsyslog provides native support for log file encryption. In order to keep things highly flexible, both an encryption provider interface as well as an provider have been designed and implemented.

The provider interface enables to use different encryption method and tools. All that is need to be done is to write the actual provider to that interface. The encryption provider (called a “crypto provider”) then implements everything necessary for the actual encryption. Note that decryption is not part of the rsyslog core. However, a new user tool – rscryutil – is provided by the project to handle this task. This tool is currently being considered to be part of the crypto provider. Consequently, there is no specific interface for it. The reasoning behind that decision is that there is very little provider-independet plumbing in this tool, so abstracting things looks a bit like over-engineering (we may change that view in the future based on how things evolve).

The initial crypto provider is based on libgcrypt, which looks like an excellent choice for (almost?) all use cases. Note that we support symmetric cryptography, only, inside the crypto provider. This is simply due to the fact that public/private key cryptography is too slow to be used for mass encryption (and this is what we do with log files!). Keep in your mind that even TLS uses symmetric cryptography for the actual session data (for the same reason), and uses public/private key cryptography only for the exchange of the symmetric key. In any case, folks using that functionality in high-secure environments are advised to check the exact security requirements. Periodic re-keying of the encrypted log files may be necessary.

No on to “how does it work?“: The encryption functionality, at the action level, is enabled by specifying a crypto provider, for example as follows:

action(type=”omfile” file=”/var/log/logfile”

This tells the action to load the crypto provider. What then happens, is up to the crypto provider. For obvious reasons, just loading it is not sufficient, you need at least to provide a crypto key. How this is done depends on the crypto provider. It is assumed that all crypto providers user the “cry.” config parameter name space. With the gcry provider, a full action may look like this:

action(type=”omfile” file=”/var/log/logfile”
       cry.provider=”gcry” cry.key=”testtesttesttest”

This is the bare minimal set of parameters for gcry – it’ll use defaults for the algorithm and use the key directly as specified from the configuration file.

Specifying the key directly in the configuration is usually a bad idea: in most setups, many or even all users can read the config file, so the key is far from being secret. We even thought of not permitting this option, as it is so insecure. We left it in, however, as it is a great help in initial testing.

For production use, there are two other modes: one is to read the key from a side-file (which needs to be sufficiently secured!) or obtain it via a special program that can obtain the key via any method it likes. The latter is meant to be used for higher security use cases. We assume that the (user-written) program can do all those “interesting things” that you can do to manage crypto keys in a secure manner. Access to the keyprogram, of course, needs to be properly secured in that case.

I hope this gives you a glimpse at how rsyslog log file encryption works. For details on the crypto provider parameters, see the official rsyslog grcy crypto provider documentation.

TLS for librelp

If you followed librelp’s git, you have probably already noticed that there is increased activity. This is due to the fact that TLS support is finally being added! Thanks to some unnamed sponsor, we could invest “a bit” of time to make this happen.

We have decided to base TLS support on GnuTLS, which has matured very much, is preferred by Debian and fully supported by Red Hat and has no licensing issues with GPL like openssl has (plus the sponsor also preferred it). We build TLS support directly into librelp, as we assume it will get very popular, so an abstraction layer would not make that much sense, especially given the fact the GnuTLS nowadays is almost already installed by default. And remember that an abstraction layer always adds code complexity and an (albeit limited) runtime overhead.

Librelp 1.1.0 will be the first version with basic TLS support. With “basic”, we mean that this is a full TLS implementation, but there are some useful additional features not yet present. Most importantly, this version will not support certifiates but rather work with anonymous Diffie-Hellmann key exchange. This means that while the integrity and privacy of the session can be guaranteed as far as the network is concerned, this version does not guard against man-in-the-middle attacks. The reason simply is that there is no way to mutually authenticate peers without certificates. We still think it makes a lot of sense to release that version, as it greatly improves the situation.

Obviously, we have plans to add certificate support in the very near future. And this also means we will add ways for mutual authentication, much like in rsyslog’s RFC 5425 implementation. It’s not finally decided if we will support all authentication options RFC 5425 offers (some may not be very relevant in practice), but that’s so far undecided. We currently strongly consider to start with fingerprint-based authentication, as this permits the ability to do mutual authentication without the need to setup a full-blown PKI. Also, most folks know fingerprint authentication: this is what ssh does when it connects to a remote machine.

So stay tuned to librelp development, many more exciting things are coming up. Please note that rsyslog 7.5.0 will be the first version to utilize the new librelp features – but that’s something for a different blog posting.

[This is also cross-posted to the librelp site]