I am thinking quite a while about doing online seminars or meetings for folks interested in rsyslog. After some prep work, I decided to do an experiment and invite all of you to the rsyslog community’s first open online meeting. It will be held at 2020-09-29 at 3p UTC (5p CEST, 11a EDT, 8a PDT). The meeting URL is https://meet.rainer-gerhards.de/syslogOpenMeeting. Meeting language is English.

This is more than a community experiment. I have worked on setting up a decent self-hosted Jitsi Meet server (some background info in German). The meeting is also meant as one of the first test runs for this system. So it definitely helps if you are a bit adventurous when you attend.
There is no fixed schedule for the meeting. I’ll just open up the conference and will see if someone shows up. If so, let’s talk about whatever concerns you – as long as it is about rsyslog und helpers ;-) [no politics, please]. As a first experiment, I intend to limit the session to 30 minutes, to be extended up to one hour in total if useful. I plan to record the session via OBS and will potentially put it on Youtube later on (depending on if it is useful enough to do so).
I know this announcement is on very short notice. It’s actually a bit intentionally – at this stage, I do not want to overwhelm the configuration and I also want to check out if it actually is possible to do such meetings on short notice. Why? Because that would provide much more ability to me to do them when I have some time left.
Looking forward to participants (but I am also prepared for zero attendence without being destroyed ;-)). Note: the meeting server might greet you in German language. If so, don’t be shy you’ll get in anyhow without the need to understand German.