why does the rsyslog testbench sometimes fail?

Rsyslog contains a set of automatted tests, the so-called “testbench”. It is invoked via the standard method of “make check” and “make distcheck”. Since its introduction in version 3, the testbench has been continously enhanced and extended. It now contains around 150 individual tests, which sum up to around 80 tests from the autoconf point of view (some autoconf tests run a couple of subtests, thus the difference in number). The testbench has been proven to be very useful and caught numerous problems before new code was released.

But the testbench is not perfect, and it may sometimes fail without any actual problem. There are two reasons for this. One is that the test require a very specific environment. For example, some parser based tests assume that the system the test is run on is configured to be named “localhost.localdomain” (the default for many test deployments). This needs to be the case because there currently is no way in rsyslog to overwrite the local hostname. Some parser tests use malformed messages, in which case (as of the RFC), the local system name must be used. As such, we need to have a specific system name set in order to prove the results. In the long term, I’ll add the capability to overwrite system name inside rsyslog, but it does not make sense to create a dirty trick just for testbench use. So this needs to wait until we get to it as part of regular development. Note that a similar issues may exist at other places. An obvious one is the database tests, where we need pre-created users, databases, tables etc in order to run the tests.

The other issue is a bit more subtle. The syslog protocol is simply, without App-Layer acknowledgments. This makes it hard to know when rsyslog has received a while bunch of test data. That in turn makes it hard to definitely say when all test data has arrived and an instance can be shut down. So the whole process is a bit racy. To “solve” this, I use some wait periods in tests affected by this problem. However, longer wait periods mean longer test bench runtime and this reduces my development productivity. So I use wait time that usually does the job, but may fail under some circumstances (most notably when –enable-debug is set). This can affect a couple of TCP-based tests (like imtcp_conndrop.sh and similar ones). I have not yet a good idea what a clean solution to this problem is, where “clean” means that it a) always works and b) does no introduce unnecessary code complexity under non-testbench runs.

Given these problems, some care must be taken interpreting testbench results. Most importantly, a fail does not necessarily mean that things are actually broken. It merely means that one needs to look at the actual test and check a) why it fails and b) if it fails repeatedly. Especially the “racy” test tend to occasionally fail without any real problem. I’ve also seen them to fail consistenly on some platforms, simply because my timing assumptions are not valid there (Solaris was one example where I needed to adjust my overall wait periods).

So testbench results need to be taken with a grain of salt, and require interpretation. I know this is inconvenient for occasional users, but it is the best compromise I currently can offer.

using failover and asynchronous actions in rsyslog

I wanted to point out that failover actions and asynchronous processing does not work well in rsyslog — at least if a simple approach is used. The reason is that there is a conceptual problem with them working both together: async actions will – by design – always return an “everything went OK” status (because we don’t know otherwise, as things are async!). So this means failover processing will never see an error.

Now look the following config:

$modload imuxsock
$ActionQueueType LinkedList
$RepeatedMsgReduction on
*.* @@
$ActionExecOnlyWhenPreviousIsSuspended on
& @@
& -/home/logfile2
$ActionExecOnlyWhenPreviousIsSuspended off

If the Action Queue Type is set to linked list (and thus the action executed asynchronously), the other two actions will never be executed – because the async action always “succeeds”.

There are two ways to solve this situation:
1) do run the action synchronously — depending on your needs, this may be a solution or not
2) if you need to run it async, you need to define a new ruleset, which includes the config WITHOUT the async processing. Then, use omruleset to execute the newly defined ruleset as whole asynchronously. This is obviously a bit more complex, but will do what you need.

I hope this resolves some confusion about the failover functionality (and, yes, a better config language would make this less painful — hopefully we will finally be able to write one ;)).

new rsyslog/systemd work going on

This is just a quick note that systemd is doing really well in providing logging right from the system startup, even when no syslogd is running. The magic is that messages are put into the kernel log, where the (later started) syslogd can pull them from. Unfortunately, there are some downsides from this mode, and we are currently working to solve them. For more details, please follow this thread:


I guess the remaining issues will be settled soon, as almost everything is in place and I just need to add some additional parsing logic to rsyslog. Due to the conference next week, I may need one extra week to complete that. All of this work will be part of the newly opened v5-devel (and above).

we are nearing a new rsyslog v5-stable

I have just released rsyslog v5.7.9. It will possibly be the last v5-beta versions of the 5.7. branch. I’ve ironed out a lot of bugs during the past two to three weeks. Right now, some patches are in 5.7.9 and not in the current stable, because I wait for some more feedback on the patches.There are still some bugs open in bugzilla, but all of this bugs are mostly concerned with rather exotic environments AND are present in the current v5-stable as well. So there is little argument to hold the new v5-stable branch just for that reason.

The plan is to release a last 5.6.6 version, ending that branch. Shortly after that, I’ll release 5.8.0. That way, conservative operators receive the latest round of bug fixes and can probably wait quite relaxed until 5.8.1 arrives ;)

It should be noted that 5.8.0 will be the first stable version with full support for systemd.

a new rsyslog v5 beta – and focus on v6!

I have just generated a new v5-beta. It is being processed for release right now and will be soon. From the announcement:

This release both offers a set of new features and, at the same time, turns 5.7.3 into beta state. At first, this sounds a bit contradictory, but we do this for two reasons:

a) the new features introduced are non-intrusive in regard to the existing feature set, so no “bad surprises” are expected
b) other than that, primarily bugfixing went into this release, with
only few remaining issues being open

In order to move towards a new v5-stable, we consider it useful to begin with a new v5-beta stage. Note that this time the beta phase may be rather quick, because of the argument b) above. Note that we did not have any serious bug reports (except for one open issue) since December. Once the remaining issue is solved, we plan to do a short “proof in practice” and then move on to a new stable version.

In regard to new features, this release offers imfile multi-line capability, realtime UDP reception capability and better configurability for ommysql as recently announced for 6.1.3.

With this release, I also plan to conclude moving new features into v5 and try to focus on v6. This may not be practical in all cases, but I will try to stick to this plan as much as possible. During the past few weeks I have had considerable work to do just to integrate the various new features introduced in v4 and v5 into v6. While this was not really hard to do, it requires more than a little effort and very careful handling of the changes. The primary reason is that the code base diverged quite a bit and merging isn’t so much “fun” with that. More than once I even screwed up on some minor details. I hope that with a focus on v6 (for new features), I can spare a lot of time which than can go into new features.

And please do not misunderstand me: I focus on v6 for new features. This means I can focus even more on v5 in regard to correctness (bug-freeness). As usual, I prefer to fix issue in the oldest affected (and supported) release, and traditionally the version before the most current version branch has been very attractive to users because it has a near-complete feature set and a very strong focus on correctness.

log normalization with rsyslog

I just wanted to give you a quick heads-up on my current development efforts:  I have begun to work heavily on a message modfication module for rsyslog which will support liblognorm-style normalization inside rsyslog. In git
there already is a branch “lognorm”, which I will hopefully complete and merge into master soon. It provides some very interesting shortcuts of pulling specific information out of syslog messages. I’ll probably promote it
some more when it is available. IMHO it’s the coolest and potentially most valuable feature I have added in the past three years. Once I have enabled tags in liblognorm/libee, you can even very easily classify log messages
based on their content.


calling for log samples!

Now I join those mass of people who are asking for log samples. But I do for a good reason :) Also, I do not need a lot, a single log message works well for my needs. I need them to improve rsyslog so that the parser can even better handle exotic message formats. So the short story is if you have a syslog message, please provide it to me.

And here is the long story:

One of the strength of rsyslog is that it is very much focused on standards. That also means it tries to parse syslog messages according to the relevant RFCs. Unfortunately, syslog has been standardized only recently and so there is no real standard for what to expect inside the header. So rsyslog strength is also its weakness: if messages are ill-formed, results are often suboptimal.

I am working around this by doing smart guesswork inside the legacy syslog parser. However, every now and then some folks pop up with problems. And, more importantly, some others do not even ask. On my twitter account, I recently saw one such frustration. In that case, timestamps were duplicated. I guess that was caused by something unexpected inside the timestamp. However, I was not able to get down to the real problem, because I did not have access to the raw message. That’s an important point: I need the raw message content, not what happens to usually be in the logfile. The later is already parsed, processed and recombined, so it does not tell me what the actual message is. But I need the actual message to improve the parser.

What I would like to do is create a very broad test suite with a vast amount of real-life syslog formats. The message text itself is actually not so important to me at this stage. It is the header format. If I get this, I’d like to analyze the different ways in which the format is malformed and then try to find ways to implement it inside the parser. If I find out that I can not detect the right format in all cases automatically, I may find ways to configure the different formats. The end result, I hope, will be far more plug-and-play message detection, something that should be of great benefit for all users.

Please contribute your logs! I need logs from many different devices, with many different versions. But I need only a few lines from each one. For each individual contributor, there is not a lot of effort required. Even a single log line would be great (ten or so be even greater). Just please don’t mangle the logs and provide me with raw log messages. That’s probably the hardest part. One way to do it is to sniff them off the wire, for example with WireShark. Another way is to use rsyslog itself. All you need is a special template and an output file using it:

$template rawmsg,”%rawmsg%n”
*.* /path/to/raw-file.log

Add this to your rsyslog.conf, restart rsyslog, make the device emit a few lines and mail me the result to rgerhards@gmail.com. You may also simply post the log sample to the sample log thread on the rsyslog forum – whatever you prefer. After you have done that, you can remove the lines from rsyslog.conf again. Before you mail me, it is a good idea to check if there is any sensitive information inside the log file. Feel free to delete any lines you have, but I would appreciate if you do not modify line contents. Also, it would be useful for me if you let me know which device, vendor and version produced the log.

I hope that you can help me improve the rsyslog parser even more. Besides, it will probably be a very interesting experiment to see how different syslog messages really are.

Thanks in advance for all contributions. Please let them flow!


rsyslog now supports Hadoop’s HDFS

I will be releasing rsyslog 5.7.1 today, a member of the v5-devel branch. With this version, omhdfs debuts. This is a specially-crafted output module to support Hadoop’s HDFS file system. The new module was a sponsored project and is useful for folks expecting enormous amounts of data or having high processing time needs for analysis of the logs.

The module has undergone basic testing and is considered (almost) production-ready. However, I myself have limited test equipment and limited needs for and know-how of Hadoop, so it is probably be interesting to see how real-world users will perceive this module. I am looking forward to any experiences, be it good or bad!

One thing that is a bit bad at the moment is the way omhdfs is build: Hadoop is Java-based, and so is HDFS. There is a C library, libhdfs, available to handle the details, but it uses JNI. That seems to result in a lot of dependencies on environment variables. Not knowing better, I request the user to set these before ./configure is called. If someone has a better way, I would really appreciate to hear about that.

Please also note that it was almost impossible to check omhdfs under valgrind: the Java VM created an enormous amount of memory violations under the debugger and made the output unusable. So far I have not bothered to create a suppression file, but may try this in the future.

All in all, I am very happy we now have native output capability for HDFS as well. Adding the module also proved how useful the idea of a rsyslog core paired up with relatively light-weight output/action modules is.

Some results from LinuxKongress

I had a great time both attending the talks on Linux Kongress 2010 in Nuremberg as well as giving my presentation on rsyslog performance enhancements. Even more, the social events helped driving things forward. Among others, I met with Lennart Poettering, who currently works on systemd. He had a couple of good suggestions for rsyslog and I hope to implement at least some of them. On the list for the next v5-devel release are definitely improvements for imuxsock, like the ability to obtain the process id of that process that actually emitted the log message (via SCM_Credentials). Once this is known, we can do a couple of “interesting things” with it.