coding to save the environment…

Each one of us has ways to help save the environment. Interestingly, there are even some options exclusively available to coders ;)

I was made aware by Michael Biebl some time ago that the Linux community is trying to save power by disabling unnecessary wakeups inside the softwares. For example, the Linux kernel has become mostly tickless, that is does not necessarily wake up frequently. This is important, because modern CPUs have power save modes: simply said, the less is computed, the less power is needed. An idle CPU uses least power. However, when an application wakes up, the CPU resumes into modes that need more power. Of course, the CPU does not know if what it needs to be executed is actually useful or could be done more smartly. You can find more details at the site

But why am I telling you this? The reason is that rsyslog, too, had (and unfrotunately has) some wakeups which are not strictly necessary. For example, the current imfile implementation needs to poll input files. This is the most portable way to do things, but it is not power-effcient. An update to a more power-efficient solution (on the platforms that support it) is scheduled. Next, the –MARK– message generator runs periodically. This one can probably never be avoided, because the actual functionality is the periodic activity. Any user should think if the functionality is neeed and, if not, not enable this plugin.

Finally, and the core rsyslog awoke every 30 seconds to check if repeated messages need to be flushed. However, repeated message reduction is no longer the default and I assume that most people do not use it. The default is to have it turned off. But even when it was turned off, rsyslog still awoke to do the (unnecessary) check. I have changed this, rsyslog now only initiates the wakeups when they are actually needed. To many (if not most) environments this means rsyslog will never again wakeup the system if there is no need to. It’s a small saving, but every little bit counts toward the ultimate goal. And given the potentially large number of systems running rsyslog, the saving may actually be larger than one initially assumes.

In the future, repeated message reduction will probably be implemented based on a different paradigm, which enables us to not run on a tick even when it is turned on.

In any case, I hope the new feature will contribute to – you name it – slightly longer notebook battery life and less environent pollution. And, ultimately, it’s a interesting fact to see how a software developer can affect environment health these days ;)

The new functionality will be available starting with rsyslog 3.19.7.

reliable plain tcp syslog – once again…

As said in my last blog post on plain tcp syslog reliability, I have now implemented Martin Schütte’s idea in rsyslog‘s plain tcp sender. I created an interface inside the netstream driver layer specifically for this method. It shall not be used by any other transport, and so it is clean enough to not affect any protocol other than the one that has the problem.

I have done some initial testing. It confirms the findings from my last post: the method works well in local, low-traffic environments, but fails in others. However, even in the fail cases, the message loss is somewhat less than without the work-around. So I think it is useful to have it inside rsyslog.

One thing that it affects is the current retry logic. Rsyslog used the work-around to resend the last message, which was most probably lost, after a successful reconnect. As connection loss is now much more reliable detected in some cases, the probabilty of message duplication greatly increases in them. In other cases, however, it may still be desirable to resend the last message. To (somewhat) solve this issue, I have now added a new config directive ($ActionSendResendLastMsgOnReconnect on/off) so that the user can specify his preferrence. The default now is to NOT send these messages on reconnect.

This functionality will be part of rsyslog 3.19.7.

rsyslog work

Past day’s rsyslog work log:
– released 3.19.6
– added doc on suggested TLS deployment (rough picture, configuration
sample still missing).
– added new property replacer option “date-subseconds” that enables
to query just the subsecond part of a high-precision timestamp
– fixed a bug with the new property replacer option in timereported
property – thanks to Elizabeth for reporting it

getting a bit more reliability from plain tcp syslog

As I have described in my recent post, plain TCP syslog is unreliable by its very nature. However, Martin Schütte had a good idea that helps improve the reliability, at least under some circumstances.

Martin showed that by doing a recv() call in front of the send(), reliability improves. This is because the local TCP stack is then forced to evaluate whatever the remote peer sent to it. Without that recv() call, the local stack may not evaluate the response until later. Of course, this is implementation specific, but seems to be common. From traces, I have seen that there seems to be good reason to do so: the number of packets sent is slightly lower when not doing the recv(), so it looks like the buffering is improved. On the other hand, this costs reliability as a remote shutdown is not immediately detected. I have not verified the buffering behaviour by looking at the tcp stack sources, but the traces are evidence enough. At least for practical purposes.

The recv() suggested by Martin forces the stack to evaluate packets received. If the remote end has closed the connection, that makes the local stack detect the condition. Consequently, loss of connection can be detected at this stage. Without the recv(), this needs at least one other send() call and thus causes the loss of one message. So we increase the reliability of plain tcp syslog by being able to detect the error state earlier.

However, this approach is racy. For example, if the remote peer initiated the shutdown after we did the recv() (but before the send()), this will not help. Also, it does not help if there is high traffic. In this case, the remote peer may be forced to shutdown the connection in the middle of a message. Keep in mind that a syslog server has no way of telling the client it intends to shut down. So if it must, it has no other chance than to terminate the connection forcefully (maybe after a short timeout, depending on the needs).

So, in short, the recv() trick often works if we have:

  • a network with likely no packet loss
  • a network with low latency
  • low network traffic

Fortunately, this is the situation we experience in many entry-level local networks. So for them, doing the recv() provides an improvement over not doing it. Most importantly, plain tcp syslog will deterministically lose one message in all environments without the recv(). With it, there is a chance the message will not be lost.

The larger the environment, the more slim this chance is. Unfortunately, I assume that in enterprise environments that really need reliability, the recv() trick does not contribute much to improving reliability (because they do not have the perquisites outlined above). So for enterprises, plain tcp syslog is still not an option when there is need for reliable logging (e.g. in an auditing environment). Protocols with app-level acknowledgement are required there (e.g. RFC 3195, RELP or SETP).

I have thought long how this affects rsyslog. I have now concluded I will give the recv() trick a try. I think it can improve the situation, at least in some practical scenarios. The problem is that it is kind of a hack. I need to find a well enough way to implement it into my netstream driver layer that doesn’t force the code to do something where it is illogical while at the same time keeping the driver clean to be used with more sophisticated protocols. So it is not a matter of adding a simple API call. I’ll probably introduce a driver call which may do the recv(), only if it makes sense for that type of driver, and does a dummy return for those drivers that do not (need) to support it.

For completeness, I reproduce some of my comments on Martin’s blog just so that I have a stable reference within a domain a manage (things too often disappear too quickly ;)).

  1. Rainer Gerhards says:
    20080530 11:55Martin, I have read your update. This use case isn’t fixed either, at least not reliably. It is racy. You get the same results be just doing the send() without the recv() – just give it a try. ;) — Rainer
  2. Rainer Gerhards says:
    20080530 14:34OK, I am not just ignorant ;) I’ve given it another try, while racy it looks like it indeed solves the problem in the majority of simple cases. I just wonder what happens under the hood. I’ll have a look :) — Rainer
  3. Rainer Gerhards says:
    20080530 15:02Interesting. I’ve now done a wireshark trace. As it looks, the IP stack does NOT process the incoming connection request until after it actually sends the message. If you do the recv(), this forces this evaluation. I have not verified this with the tcp sources and I don’t think it makes much sense to do so. It’s probably a bit platform-specific, depending on what the IP stack does. Anyhow, it seems to greatly reduce the problem in non-failure cases and does not cause much performance pain. So it is worth adding it. I’ll now apply it once again to the real rsyslog and see how it performs there. I keep you posted. Rainer
  4. Rainer Gerhards says:
    20080602 15:40OK, I have done some further stress testing. Unfortunately, the solution does not work as soon as the traffic gets higher. In client.c, you do a sleep. This sleep makes sure that the remote end has time to do its close and notify the client before the next message is sent. I modified you examples so that the sleep() is no longer used and 1000 messages are sent by the client. Then, the disconnect happens 1 byte into message 423 (stream was partly received). The next message I see is 701. The client also notices the problem at 701. So I have lost around 280 messages without anybody noticing it. Of course, on a non-busy server that does not happen, but it proves the point that even in a nice clean close scenario without packet loss you can lose data on a server restart. There is no reliable cure. I’ll now evaluate if it makes sense to add your suggested recv() logic for those cases where it helps. I am just unsure if these are a large enough sample to justify this code change. Anyhow… Please let me know any further findings you may have (did I overlook something)?


rsyslog work log 2

As you can see below, I am currently more involved in non-coding activities, like getting most reliability out of plain tcp syslog, IETF work and pondering the phpLogCon team with all those nice little things that are hard to implement ;)

Past day’s rsyslog work log:
– released 3.17.3
– (finally switched to Fedora 9 on main dev machine;))
– enabled Posix ERE expressions inside the property replacer
(previously BRE was permitted only)
– provided ability to specify that a regular expression submatch shall
be used inside the property replacer
– Worked on Martin’s suggestion for a more reliable plain tcp transport
– implemented in property replacer: if a regular expression does not match,
it can now either return “**NO MATCH** (default, as before), a blank
property or the full original property text
– Worked on Martin’s new suggestion for a more reliable plain tcp transport
This one looks promising, at least for simple cases
– worked on plain tcp syslog reliability
– begun working on TLS doc (finally ;))
– bugfix: part of permittedPeer structure was not correctly initialized
thanks to varmojfekoj for spotting this
– bugfix: off-by-one bug during certificate check
– bugfix: removed some memory leaks in TLS code
– enhanced property replacer to support multiple regex matches
– IETF work, syslog-transport-tls
– begun doc on unreliable tcp syslog and a work-around based on Martin’s

why you can’t build a reliable TCP protocol without app-level acks…

Again, there we are in the area of a reliable plain TCP transport. Some weeks ago, I noted down that plain tcp syslog is unreliable by design. Yesterday, Martin Schütte came up with his blog post “Reliable TCP Reconect made Easy“. In it, he describes how he thinks one can get around the limitations.

I was more than interested. Should there be a solution I had overlooked? Martin’s idea is that he queries the TCP stack if the connection is alive before sending any data. He outlined two approaches with the later being a non-blocking recv() right in front of the send(). The idea is that the recv() should detect a broken connection.

After I thought a bit about this approach I had a concern that it may be a bit racy. But in any case, new thoughts are worth evaluating. And a solution would be most welcome. So I quickly implemented some logic in my existing gtls stream driver. To make matter simple, I just did the recv() and sent the return status and errno to debug output (but did not try any reconnects based on it). And then the ugly happened: I always got the same EAGAIN return state (which is not an error), no matter in what state the connection was. I was even able to pull the receiver’s network cable and the sender didn’t care.

So, this approach doesn’t work. And, if you think a bit more about it, it comes at no surprise.

Consider the case with the pulled network cable. When I plugged it in again a quarter hour later, TCP happily delivered the “in-transit” messages (that were sitting in the client buffer) after a short while. This is how TCP is supposed to work! The whole point is that it is designed to survive even serious network failures. This is why the client buffers messages in the first place.

What should the poor client do in the “pulled network cable” case. Assume the data is lost just because it can not immediately send it? To make it worse, let’s assume the data had already left the system and successfully reached the destination machine. Now it is sitting in the destination’s receive buffer. What now if the server application (for example due to a bug) does not pull this data but also does not abort or close the file descriptor? How at all should TCP detect these failures? The simple truth is it isn’t and it is not supposed to be.

The real problem is the missing application level acknowledgment. The transport level ACK is for use by TCP. It shall not imply anything for the app layer. So if we depend on the TCP ack for an app-level protocol, we abuse TCP IMHO. Of course, abusing something may be OK, but we shouldn’t wonder if it doesn’t work as we expect.

Back to the proposed solution: the problem here is not that the send call does not fail, even though the stack knows the connection is broken. The real problem is that the TCP stack does not know it is broken! Thus, it permits us to send data on a broken connection – it still assumes the connection is OK (and, as can be seen in the plugged cable case, this assumption often is true).

As such, we can NOT cure the problem by querying the TCP stack if the connection is broke before we send. Because the stack will tell us it is fine in all those cases where the actual problem occurs. So we do not gain anything from the additional system call. It just reflects the same unreliable status information that the send() call is also working on.

And now let’s dig a bit deeper. Let’s assume we had a magic system call that told us “yes, this connection is fine and alive”. Let’s call it isalive() for easy reference. So we would be tempted to use this logic:

if(isalive()) then

But, as thread programmers know, this code is racy. What, if the connection breaks after the isalive() call but before the send()? Of course, the same problem happens! And, believe me, this would happen often enough ;).

What we would need is an atomic send_if_alive() call which checks if the connection is alive and only then submits data. Of course, this atomicity must be preserved over the network. This is exactly why databases invented two-phase commits. It requires an awful lot of well thought-out code … and a network protocol that supports it. To ensure this, you need to shuffle at least two network packets between the peers. To handle it correctly (the case where the client dies), you need four, or a protocol that works with delayed commits (as a side-note, RELP works along those lines).

Coming back to our syslog problem, the only solution to solve our unreliability problem without specifying app-layer acks inside syslog, is to define a whole new protocol that does these acks (quite costly and complex) out of band. Of course, this is not acceptable.

Looking at all of this evidence, I come to the conclusion that my former statement unfortunately is still correct: one can not implement a reliable syslog transport without introducing app-level acks. It simply is impossible. The only cure, in syslog terms, is to use a transport with acks, like RFC 3195 (the unbeloved standard) or RELP (my non-standard logging protocol). There are no other choices.

The discussion, however, was good insofar that we now have generally proven that it is impossible to implement a reliable TCP based protocol without application layer acknowledgment at all. So we do not need to waste any more effort on trying that.

As a funny side-note, I just discovered that I described the problem we currently see in IETF’s transport-tls document back than on June, 16, 2006, nearly two years ago:

Tom Petch also voiced some other concerns, which still exist in the current draft:

As you can see, he also mentions the problem of TCP failures. The idea of introducing some indication of a successful connection was quickly abandoned, as it was considered too complex for the time being. But as it looks, plain technical fact does not go away by simply ignoring it ;)

UPDATE, half an hour later…

People tend to be lazy and so am I. So I postponed to do “the right thing” until now: read RFC 793, the core TCP RFC that still is not obsoleted (but updated by RFC3168, which I only had a quick look at because it seems not to be relevant to our case). In 793, read at least section 3.4 and 3.7. In there, you will see that the local TCP buffer is not permitted to consider a connection to be broken until it receives a reset from the remote end. This is the ultimate evidence that you can not build a reliable syslog infrastructure just on top of TCP (without app-layer acks).

more reliability for TCP syslog?

Martin Schütte posted an interesting approach to solving the syslog/plain TCP unreliability issue in his blog:

Reliable TCP Reconect made Easy

In short, he tries to do a non-blocking recv() from the connection to see if the remote peer has shut it down. This may work and I will give it a try. However, as of my understanding it will NOT solve the issue of unreliability because of broken connections. I have to admit that I also think there is still a race condition (what if the server closes the connection after the client has done the recv() but before the send()…

I’ll report back as soon as I have some real-life data. It’s an interesting approach in any case and good to know somebody else is working on the same issues. That will hopefully bring us to a better overall solution :)

rsyslog work log 3

Yesterday’s rsyslog work log:
– client now provides cert even if it is not signed by one of the
server’s trusted CAs (gtls)
– implemented wildcards inside certificate name check authentication
– released 3.19.4

syslog-transport-tls-12 implementation report

I have finally managed to fully implement IETF’s syslog-transport-tls-12 Internet draft plus some new text suggested to go into -13 (which is not yet out) in rsyslog. Please note that I am talking about actual software that you can download, install, run and even look at the source. So this is not a theoretical “what if” type of report but one of real practical experience.

I have roughly worked the past three weeks on the new -12 version of transport-tls. First of all, it is important to keep in mind that I already had implemented the -11 version (minus the then-unclear authentication) in rsyslog 3.19.0. That meant I had just to implement the new authentication stuff. This was obviously a major time-saver.

The current implementation utilizes the GnuTLS library for all TLS operations. I would like to thank the GnuTLS folks for all their help they provided on the mailing list. This was extremely useful. GnuTLS in rsyslog works as a “network stream driver” and can theoretically be replaced with other libraries (support for at least NSS is planned). For obvious reasons, this implementation report includes a number of GnuTLS specifics.

It is not exactly specified whether a syslog message traveling over -transport-tls must strictly be in syslog-protocol format or not. This may lead to interoperability problems. For rsyslog, I have implemented that any message format is accepted. Any message received is simply fed into the general parser-selector, which looks at the message format and selects the most appropriate parser. However, this may not really be desirable from a security point of view. When sending, rsyslog also does not demand anything specific. Due to rsyslog design, message creation and transmission are quite separate parts. So even if the draft would demand -syslog-protocol format, I would not be able to enforce that in rsyslog (it would break too many application layers). Of course, rsyslog supports -syslog-protocol format, but it requires the proper template to be applied to the send rule.

Rsyslog implements even most optional features. However, I have not implemented IP-address-based authentication, which is a MUST in Joe’s new proposed text (section 5.1). The reason is that we found out this option is of very limited practical experience. IP addresses are very seldomly found in certificates. Also, there are ample ways to configure rsyslog in client role so that it knows the server’s identity. This was also brought up on the IETF syslog mailing list and it looks like this feature will be dropped. Should it be actually survive and go into the final standard, I will implement it, even though I do not see any use in practice. Thus I have deferred implementation until it is actually needed. Rsyslog user feedback may also show if there is a need for this feature in practice.

Each rsyslog instance is expected to have one certificate identifying it. There can be different certificates for different senders and receivers, but this is considered the unusual case. So in general, a single certificate identifies the rsyslog instance both as a client and server.

Rsyslog support the three authentication modes laid out in the draft: anonymous, fingerprints and subject names. Obviously, anonymous authentication is easy to do. This was a quick task without any problems.

Fingerprint authentication was somewhat problematic to implement. The core problem was that GnuTLS, by default, sends only those certificates to the server that are in the server’s trusted CA list. With self-signed certs on both the client and the server, this is never the case and GnuTLS does not provide any certificate at all. I used kind of a hack to get around this. There is a function in GnuTLS that permits to provide certificates on an as-needed basis. I used this hook. However, I now no longer have the ability to provide only those certificates a server can verify. When I have multiple certificate stores and the server is in subject name authentication mode, this would be valuable. So far, I have ignored this problem. If practice shows it needs attention, I will further investigate. But here is definitely a potential future trouble spot. A core problem is that a sender does not (should not need to) know if the receiver is using fingerprint or subject name authentication. For the later, the GnuTLS defaults are quite correct and provide a very convenient interface. But I can not select different modes on the client as I do not know which one is right.

Subject name based authentication did not pose any such problems. This comes at no surprise, because this is the the usual mode of operations for the TLS library. One can assume this to be best-tested.

One disappointment with GnuTLS was that during the TLS handshake procedure only basic authentication can be done. Most importantly, there is no hook that enables an application to check the remote peer’s certificate and authorize it or deny access during the handshake. Authorization can only be done after the handshake has completed. Form asking around, NSS seems to provide this ability. OpenSSL, on the other hand, seems NOT to provide that hook, too (I could not verify that, though). As such, rsyslog needs to complete the handshake and then verifies fingerprint’s or validates the certificate chain, expiration dates and checks the subject name. If these checks show that we are not permitted to talk to the peer, all we can do is close the connection.

If a client is connecting to a server, this is a minor annoyance, as a connection is created and dropped. As we can not communicate the reason why we close the connection, the server is left somewhat clueless and currently logs a diagnostic warning of a freshly created connection being immediately closed. I will probably change that diagnostic in the future.

Quite more problematic is the case when a server fails to authenticate the client. Here, the client received the handshake and already begun to send data when the server closes the connection. As there is no application level acknowledgment in transport-tls, the client does not know when exactly the connection is closed by the server. In the end result the client experiences message loss and may even not notice the failed connection attempt until much later (in most cases, the first message is always successfully sent and only the second message, possible hours later, will see a problem). In the end result, this can lead to massive data loss, even to complete data loss. Note that this is not a direct cause of transport-tls, but of the underlying plain TCP syslog protocol. I have more details in my blog post on the unreliability of TCP syslog.

Please note that -transport-tls does not specify when peer authentication has to happen. It may happen during the handshake but it is also valid to do it after the handshake. As we have seen, doing it after the handshake causes serious problems. It may be good to at least mention that. If the draft is changed to mandate authentication during the handshake, some implementors will probably not implement it, because the library they use does not support it. Of course, one could blame the library, but for existing products/projects, that will probably not help.

The need to authenticate during the handshake is a major problem for anyone implementing -transport-tls. For rsyslog and for now, I have decided to live with the problem, because I do have the unreliability problem in any case. My long-term goal is to switch to RELP to address this issue and provide TLS support for RELP (RELP uses app-level acks, so there is no problem with authenticating after a successful handshake – I can still emit an “authentication failed” type of message). Please note that the transport-tls specific problem only occurs if the remote client fails to authenticate – this is what make it acceptable to me. I expect this situation to be solved quickly (either something is misconfigured or an attack is going on in those cases).

As a side-note, I may see if I can provide a patch for GnuTLS if this turns out to become a major problem.

Besides implementing the required methods, I have also thought about how to create a sufficiently secure system with the least possible effort.

In home environments where the “administrator” has little or no knowledge and uses rsyslog to receive message from a few low-end devices (typically a low-end router), it is hard to think of any good security settings. Most probably, anonymous “authentication” is the best choice here. It doesn’t protect against man-in-the-middle attacks, but it at least provides confidentiality for messages in transit. The key point here is that it does not require any configuration except for enabling TLS and specifying the syslog server’s address in the device GUI.

Another good alternative for these environments may actually be auto-generating a self-signed cert on first rsyslogd startup. This is based on the assumption that the device GUI provides a way to view and authorize this certificate (after it has talked to the server and obtained the cert9). However, I have to admit that I see only limited advantage in implementing this. After all, if the admin is not able to configure things correctly, do we really expect him to be able to interpret and sufficiently frequently review the system logs? I’d say this is at least doubtful and so I prefer to put my implementation efforts to better uses…

The anticipated common use case for rsyslog is an environment where the administrator is at least knowledgeable enough to carry out some basic configuration steps and create certificates if instructed on which tools to run. We do not assume that a full PKI infrastructure is present. As such, we suggest that each organization creates its own CA for rsyslog use. This involves creating one root CA certificate. That certificate is then used to create certificates for each instance of rsyslog that is to be installed. There is one instance per machine. To keep configuration simple, each machine’s DNS name is to be used.

All clients shall forward via a @@hostname action, where hostname must be the actual DNS name (as specified in the certificate) and not an IP address or something else. To prevent DNS failures or unavailability of DNS during startup, this name and its IP address may be set in /etc/hosts. With that configuration, the client can validate the server’s identity without any extra configuration.

To achieve a similar automatic identity check on the server side (server authenticating client), subject name wildcards are used. It is suggested that all syslog client are within the same domain. Then, the server can be instructed to accept messages from all of them with a single configuration setting enabling message reception from e.g. “*”. This, together with the fact that the certificate must have been signed with the “rsyslog root CA”‘s certificate provides sufficient proof of identification in most cases.

In more complex scenarios, more complex authentication can be used. There will be no specific guidelines within the rsyslog documentation on other policies. It is assumed that those who have need for such complex policies know what they need to have, so there is no point in providing advise. From the engine point of view, rsyslog already provides for many advanced uses (e.g. different certificate stores for different sessions) and can easily extended to provide for others. As of my understanding, the latest text proposed by Joe permits me to do all of this under the umbrella of -transport-tls, so the draft is no limiting factor.

The bottom line is that an enterprise-specific rsyslog root CA provides quite automatic configuration of peer credentials while being easy to implement. Wildcard subject name matches play a vital role, because they are the only way to permit a server with the ability to authorize a wide range of clients in a semi-automatic manner.

IMO, subject name based authentication is easier to setup than fingerprint authentication, at least in a rsyslog-to-rsyslog case. If it is easier to setup in a heterogeneous environment depends on the ability of all peers to either generate certificate requests and accept the certificate and/or import prefabricated .pem files. If that is simple enough, subject name based authentication can be used with very low administrative overhead (but integrating it into a full-blown PKI is still another thing…).

To really prove the implementation, of course, at least one other independent implementation is needed. Currently there is none, but as it looks NetBSD’s syslogd will be enhanced as a Google Summer of Code project. I am keeping an eye on that project and will try to do interop testing as soon as such is possible. Having one implementation from the “device camp” (e.g. a router) would be extremely useful, though, as that would provide more insight on how easy it will be to configure things via such an administrative interface (not in theory, but in actual implementation – I expect a difference between the two as there are always constraints that must be observed, like the overall application framework and programming tool set).

To wrap things up, -syslog-transport-tls-12+ is sufficiently easy to implement and deploy. IMHO it also provides sufficient extensibility to implement complex scenarios. Some details could be improved (when to authenticate, message format) and a decision on IP based authentication should be finalized. But I don’t see any reason to hold it much longer and look forward to it being finalized.

-transport-tls-12+ text proposal

Joe, the current editor of -transport-tls, provided some suggested new text. I’ll call it 12+ and post it here for easy reference (I’ve too often searched the mail archive to pull it up, so I think it is time to post it at some easier place). Other than an aid to me, you may also be interested to see how things are progressing. All in all, I’d say we are on the right path. Also, rsyslog does now everythig mandated in 12+. I am currently looking into wildcards, this seems to be neat for easy authentication of many senders.

Here comes Joe’s text and the message that went along with it:

I reworked some of the text to try to capture the discussions in the
working group. I broke out the mechanical part of the validation from
the policy. There is some redundancy between the security
considerations section and the new policy section. I tried to focus the
requirements language on implementation requirements to enable secure
interoperability vs. deployment options. We are not finished yet, but I
think it is a step in the right direction.



4.2.1 Certificate-Based Authentication

Both syslog transport sender (TLS Client) and syslog transport receiver
(TLS server) MUST implement certificate-based authentication. This
consists validating proof of possession of the private key corresponding
to the public key in the certificate. To ensure interoperability
between clients and servers, the following methods for certificate
validation are mandatory to implement:

o Certificate path validation: the client is configured with one or
more trust anchors. Additional policy controls needed for authorizing
the syslog transport sender and syslog transport receiver are described
in Section 5. This method is useful where there is a PKI deployment.

o End-Entity Certificate Matching: The transport receiver or
transport sender is configured with information necessary to match the
end-entity certificates of its authorized peers (which can be
self-signed). Implementations MUST support certificate fingerprints in
section 4.2.3 and MAY allow other formats for end-entity certificates
such as a DER encoded certificate. This method provides an alternative
to a PKI that is simpler to deploy and still maintains a reasonable
level of security.

Both transport receiver and transport sender implementations MUST
provide a means to generate a key pair and self-signed certificate in
the case that a key pair and certificate are not available through
another mechanism.

4.2.2 Certificate Fingerprints

Both client and server implementations MUST make the certificate
fingerprint for their certificates available through a management

The mechanism to generate a fingerprint is to take the hash of the
certificate using a cryptographically strong algorithm and convert the
result into colon separated, hexadecimal bytes, each represented by 2
uppercase ASCII characters. When a fingerprint value is displayed or
configured the fingerprint is prepended with an ASCII label identifying
the hash function followed by a colon. Implementations MUST support
SHA-1 as the hash algorithm and use the ASCII label “SHA1” to identify
the SHA-1 algorithm. The length of a SHA-1 hash is 20 bytes and the
length of the corresponding fingerprint string is 64 characters. An
example certificate fingerprint is:


During validation the hash is extracted from the fingerprint and
compared against the hash calculated over the received certificate.

[sections skipped]

5. Security Policies

Different environments have different security requirements and
therefore would deploy different security policies. This section
provides discusses some of the security policies that may be implemented
by syslog transport receivers and syslog transport senders. The
security policies describe the requirements for authentication,
credential validation and authorization. The list of policies in this
section is not exhaustive and other policies may be implemented.

5.1 Recommended Security Policy

The recommended security policy provides protection against the threats
in section 2. This policy requires authentication, certificate
validation and authorization of both the syslog transport sender and
syslog transport receiver. If there is a failure in the
authentication, certificate validation or authorization then the
connection is closed.

Authorization requires the capability to authorize individual hosts as
transport receivers and transport senders. When end-entity certificate
matching is used, authentication and certificate validation are
sufficient to authorize and entity. When certificate path validation
MUST support the following authorization mechanisms:

o Host-name-based authorization where the host name of the
authorized peer is compared against the subject fields in the
certificate. For the purpose of interoperability, implementations MUST
support matching the host name against a SubjectAltName field with a
type of dNSName and SHOULD support checking hostname against the Common
Name portion of the Subject Distinguished Name. Matching for
certificate credentials is performed using the matching rules specified
by [3]. If more than one host name identity is present in the
certificate a match in any one of the set is considered acceptable.
Implementations also MAY support wildcards to match a range of values.
For example, names to be matched against a certificate may contain the
wildcard character * which is considered to match any single domain name
component or component fragment. E.g., * matches but
not f*.com matches but not Wildcards
make it possible to deploy trust-root-based authorization where all
credentials issued by a particular CA trust root are authorized.

o IP-address-based authorization where the IP address configured
for the authorized peer is compared against the subject fields in the
certificate. Implementations MUST support matching the IP address
against a SubjectAltName field of type iPAddress and MAY support
checking the configured IP address against the Common Name portion of
the Subject Distinguished Name. Matching for certificate credentials is
performed using the matching rules specified by [3]. If more than one
IP Address identity is present in the certificate a match in any one of
the set is considered acceptable.

Implementations MAY also support authorization based on other
attributes. For example, the authorization of a device Serial Number
against the SerialNumber portion of the Subject Distinguished Name or
restrictions on the depth of a certificate chain.

Implementations MUST support this policy and it is recommended that this
be the default policy.

5.2 Liberal Validation of a Syslog Transport Sender

In some environments, the authenticity of syslog data is not important
or it is verifiable by other means, so transport receivers may accept
data from any transport sender. To achieve this, the transport receiver
performs authentication and certificate consistency checks and forgoes
the validation of the certificate chain and authorization. In this
case, the transport receiver is authorized, however this policy does not
protect against the threat of transport sender masquerade described in
Section 2. The use of this policy is generally not recommended for this
reason. If this policy is used, the transport receiver SHOULD record
the end-entity certificate for the purpose of correlating it with the
sent data.

5.3 Liberal Validation of a Syslog Transport Receiver

In some environments the confidentiality syslog data is not important so
data may be sent to any transport receiver. To achieve this the
transport sender performs authentication certificate consistency checks
and forgoes validation of the certificate chain and authorization.
While this policy does authorize the transport sender, it does not
protect against the threat of transport receiver masquerade described in
Section 2, leaving the data sent vulnerable to disclosure and
modification. The use of this policy is generally not recommended for
this reason.

5.4 Liberal Syslog Transport Receiver and Sender Validation

In environments where security is not a concern at all the transport
receiver and transport sender authenticate each other and perform
certificate consistency checks and may forgo validation of the
certificate chain and authorization. This policy does not protect
against any of the threats described in section 2 and is therefore not

6. Security Considerations

6.1 Deployment Issues

Section 5 discusses various security policies that may be deployed. The
only configuration that mitigates the threats described in Section 2 is
the recommended policy defined in section 5.1. This is the recommended
configuration for deployments.

If the transport receiver chooses not to fully authenticate, validate
and authorize the transport sender it may receive data from an attacker.
Unless it has another way of authenticating the source of the data, the
data should not be trusted. This is especially important if the syslog
data is going to be used to detect and react to security incidents. The
transport receiver may also increase its vulnerability to denial of
service, resource consumption and other attacks if it does not
authenticate the transport sender. Because of the increased
vulnerability to attack, this type of configuration is not recommended.

If the transport sender chooses not to fully authenticate, validate and
authorize the syslog transport receiver then it may send data to an
attacker. This may disclose sensitive data within the log information
that is useful to an attacker resulting in further compromises within
the system. If a transport sender operates in this mode it should limit
the data it sends to data that is not valuable to an attacker. In
practice this is very difficult to achieve, so this type of
configuration is not recommended.

Forgoing authentication, validation and/or authorization on both sides
allows for man-in-the-middle, masquerade and other types of attacks that
can completely compromise integrity and confidentiality of the data.
This type of configuration is not recommended.

6.2 Cipher Suites

[I think the mandatory to implement algorithm should be defined in
section 4.2 instead of the security considerations section]