rsyslog work log 30

Yesterday’s rsyslog work log:
– bugfix: queue cancel cleanup handler could be called with
invalid pointer if dequeue failed
– bugfix: imfile could abort under extreme stress conditions
(when it was terminated before it could open all of its
to be monitored files)
– bugfix: queue disk file were not properly persisted when
immediately after closing an output file rsyslog was stopped
or huped (the new output file open must NOT have happend at
that point) – this lead to a sparse and invalid queue file
which could cause several problems to the engine (unpredictable
results). This situation should have happened only in very
rare cases. tracker:
– bugfix: during queue shutdown, an assert invalidly triggered when
the primary queue’s DA worker was terminated while the DA queue’s
regular worker was still executing. This could result in a segfault
during shutdown.
– bugfix: object property deserializer did not handle negative numbers
– bugfix: queue aborted when it was shut down, DA-enabled, DA mode
was just initiated but not fully initialized (a race condition)
– bugfix: queue properties sizeOnDisk, bytesRead were persisted to
disk with wrong data type (long instead of int64) – could cause
problems on 32 bit machines
– fixed a problem introduced today, on-disk queue size was now
wrongly calculated (but not in any released version)